Monday 18 March 2013

Problems we ran into aka. technology sucks

We ran into a few problems while editing together our trailer and making the website and poster. These problems that we ran into were mainly down to the technology we were using (hence the title).

The first problem we ran into while editing together the trailer was that the clown did not stand out enough in the shot of him standing next to the tree while one of the female characters is driving away. We had previously color edited this shot to make it darker and more mysterious. However, we felt that the clown did not stand out and was not noticeable enough. To fix this problem we decided to color edit the footage so that the clown was in full color but the rest of the shot was darkened. As we were not editing on Final Cut Pro, we found a way of doing this on Photoshop [see previous post]. 
The first problem we ran into with this was that it took us a while to change the colors on each individual layer (there were 168). Once you had saved the project once, you could no longer use the history tool to change the color of the clown. As we were color editing in hour slots, we ran into some problems with this. 
The second problem was that once we had finished editing the colors, we couldn't export it back into a moving image. 
Therefore, we couldn't use this. To fix this we edited the color on iMovie, to create a darker image, but used Ken Burns to zoom in on the clown. 

The second problem that we faced involved the website. At school we were creating the website on a widescreen Mac. This was fine for viewing the website on that particular computer. However, when changing the website at home or on another regular PC, the website did not fit onto the screen
To solve this problem, we changed the website so that it fit on a regular sized computer screen.

The final problem that has occurred (and still isn't solved) is one that involves the poster. As we made the poster at home, we had the font downloaded at home but not at school. The printer at home does not print A3, like we need it to be printed, we have to print it at school. However, whenever the poster is sent to school, whether it be through email or on a memory stick, the font does not work and the poster does not work how it should. 
We have come up with a temporary solution to this, as we had a photo of the poster that was sent through Twitter that we printed in an A3 size. However, this lowered the quality of the photo as it became slightly pixelated. 
Another method that we are going to try is to print the poster in an A4 size at home and then try to blow it up to an A3 size at school. Hopefully this should work.

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